Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I'm doing a thirty day writing challenge

Over the years I have started writing several plays, comics, and short stories, yet I've never completed any of them.  To be honest, half of them never even made it past the notes stage. That ends now! Searching the web the other day I came across a 30 day writing challenge and I've decided to take part in it. Here are the rules:

“Every single day, write something for 30 minutes or one full page. That’s it. If you write for 30 and go over a page— awesome. If you can only eek out one page— beautiful. You did something. This is for your blog, essay, book, whatever! Any writing that you need, want or have to do this is the time to start or complete it. Don’t worry about punctuation or grammar (as I clearly don’t) that can be taken care of in editing. Right now, just write. Write now.”

I don't know how this will turn out. I'm even not sure what I will write about or where to even truly begin. Some what I write will be good and some of it will be crap but I am determined to finish this challenge. Hell, maybe I'll even finish one of those plays, comics or short stories I started long ago. 

I am starting this blog because I think it will help make completing this challenge easier. I look forward to sharing what I write with all of you and I hope you enjoy it. Maybe I will even motivate some of you to join me in this journey.

With that said, I am off to look through my old notes to find a glimmer of an idea. I will see you here tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. An easier goal might be Club 100 http://www.606studios.com/bendisboard/showthread.php?211263-Club-100

    Good Luck
